Kamis, 12 November 2009

Leadership Style of Heaven

According to Peter F. Drucker, leadership no connection apart from the culture (the culture) is carried by the community it serves. Cultures were even featured as an integral part in the overall leadership, the kind commonly known as a frame style (style), so there are terms of leadership style or leadership style Japanese Chinese or Western style of leadership and so on.

Leadership served a mission for the institution they serve, operate based on cultural and leadership activities serve to develop any productive work and making manjadi to perform each job, do it based on the breath, spirit and soul of culture. In managing the social impact and social responsibility, the existence and activities of the institution they serve, leaders do in the understanding of the culture.

In East and Southeast Asia, perhaps we can not hesitate to talk about Japanese culture, Korean culture, Chinese culture and the culture of Indonesia in addition to cultures of other, more local and regional nature. Indonesian culture, which according to Ki Hajar Dewantara is the culmination of all the regional culture, which then interact with each other and to adapt gradually dissolve into a single personality. Leadership style taught Ki Hajar Dewantoro, "Ing Ngarsa Sung Tuladha, Ing Madya Mangun Karsa, Tut Wuri Handayani", ie in front should be an example, in the middle must be supported and must follow behind, is one of the foundation's leadership style with Indonesian culture .

We also know Hasta Brata leadership style, which has the leadership qualities of the sun, moon, stars, wind, fire, clouds, oceans and earth. Leaders who have the qualities of the sun, should be able to provide a burning passion and power of spirit to his men. Leaders with the nature of the moon, must be interesting, given the beauty of working atmosphere, and association, as well as making light appears dark. Leaders who have the star qualities, must be able to provide the right direction for the way an organization or institution. Leaders also must have the nature of wind. He must be able to communicate well, able to motivate and to fill the gap with the expression of his soothing words, not just criticize. Leaders with the nature of fire, may be firm, without discrimination action against the guilty without hesitation. The nature of clouds has a strong authority, respected and loved by the people. Leaders must also possess the oceans and earth. That leader should be able to accommodate all the problems, remain patient and calm in providing solutions. He also had to stand firm and strong position, but be ready also to hear any feedback to be taken into consideration.

History proves that the storm time and age, not able to change the basic joints culture. Namely the belief in Essence, the Most High, Creator and togetherness in the context of mutual cooperation. Thus the sociological, cultural archetype of leadership is the leadership community Indonesia.

Rasulullah SAW. said: "Verily God created Adam with eight kids nature. Four characteristics of Heaven to experts, the sweet face, eloquent verbal, a pure heart and hands that provide assistance, and four properties to experts Hell, is a grim-faced people, cruel words, a hard heart, hands that will not help ". Morality based leader with a sweet face, eloquent verbal, a pure heart and hands that provide assistance Leadership Style of Heaven.

by Prof. Dr. M. Suyanto of AMIKOM Yogyakarta

Blue Ocean Strategy

W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne claim that Red Ocean Strategy is no longer effective to create growth and profits in the future. They both propose a new strategy called the Blue Ocean Strategy. Blue Ocean Strategy, considers that the competitive market is to create a space that no opponent. A vast market like the "blue ocean".

W Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne claim that 86% use the Red Ocean Strategy, and only 14% who use the Blue Ocean Strategy. From the company that uses Red Ocean Strategy is to earn a total of 62% and 39% total profits, while companies that use the Blue Ocean Strategy is only getting 38% of total income but total profits 61%.

Cirque du Soleil is one company that uses Blue Ocean Strategy. Cirque du Soleil. Company founded in 1984 by a group of street performer, Cirque has done stage production featuring dozens of visits by about 40 million people in 90 cities around the world. In 20 years, Cirque has achieved revenues worldwide leader circus Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey. Both companies are world leaders circus to achieve it took 100 years.

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus to design standards and compete with the circus on a scale similar declining market. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey uses the perspective of competition-based strategy, so that the circus industry finally appears to be unattractive. While Cirque du Soleil's success by not taking the market from the existing circus industry, the market historically children. Cirque du Soleil does not compete Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey, for creating a new market that no opponent and make the competition irrelevant. Cirque du Soleil brought a new market in addition to the children is a new customer group of adults and corporate clients with not only a circus show, but it displays theater, opera and ballet, so the audience is willing to pay several times more than the usual traditional circus. Strategy of Cirque du Soleil is called Blue Ocean Strategy.

Blue Oceans is a whole industry that is not currently available, not known for its market space and there is no competition. In blue oceans are created that demand, not a hotly contested competition. Demand could grow quickly and profitably. To create blue oceans in two ways, the company can increase a complete new industry, such as eBay to create an auction, but online. The second way, blue oceans can be created from within red oceans when the company changed the existing industry boundaries, as practiced by Cirque du Soleil.

by Prof. Dr. M. Suyanto of AMIKOM Yogyakarta

Becoming an Entrepreneur in Internet Media

The Internet is a network of computers connected globally, enabling users to exchange information through various channels. Thereby allowing users to do business together. The whole world's richest entrepreneurs take advantage of the market is called the Internet. There are several reasons why the companies they target the Internet market. First of all, the television audience began to migrate to the Internet. Since they moved the advertising media must be followed, with the assumption that any marketer's goal is to reach its target audience effectively and efficiently. Marketers recognize that they must make adjustments to its marketing plan to pursue a continued increase in the number of people who spend time in front of online media, often with leaves and other media.

Second, to target the Internet market with ads that can be updated at any time with minimal cost: because the ads on the internet always look new. Third, the Internet market can reach potential buyers in a very large number in the global count. Fourth, the cost of online advertising is sometimes more expensive than television advertising, newspaper, or radio. Media advertising latter becomes more expensive because it is determined by the space will be used, how many days (time for) the ad will be loaded, and on how many television stations and local or national newspaper ad will be posted. Fifth, advertising on the internet can efficiently use the convergence of text, audio, graphics, and animation. Sixth, the Internet itself is growing rapidly. Seventh, you can create an interactive advertising and targeted on specific groups and / or individuals.

Research conducted in the fall of 1996 found that three-quarters of users of personal computers (PCs) will leave the television and spend time in front of their computers. The displacement of the amount of television that look very impressive. In addition to this fact is that Internet users are educated people and have very high incomes, so the logical if manjadi concluded that Internet explorer is a target that was envisioned by the marketers.

Beginning in 1998, this characteristic has convinced a large company that produces everything needed for consumers to start shifting advertising budgets from traditional media to Internet advertising. Toyota made a real example of the Internet so powerful. Saatchi and Saatchi, a leading advertising agency, developing Web sites for Toyota (www.toyota.com) and place banner ads on a very interesting popular sites, such as www.espn.com. Within one year, the site can be done to match the sales of Toyota's sales 800 other sources.

by Prof. Dr. M. Suyanto of AMIKOM Yogyakarta

The Inside Story: Facebook Marketing Strategies

SEOmoz Blog On August 26th, 2008 Facebook, Inc. reached the milestone of 100,000,000 active users. Since then, its growth has continued to grow exponentially into emerging markets and additional countries. At the same time, the company has remained a relatively untapped oasis for internet marketers.

I recently had the chance to meet Facebook engineers Andew “Boz” Bosworth, creator of the much talked about News Feed, and David Fetterman, lead engineer for the Facebook Development Platform, and took to the opportunity to find out exactly how the website could best be used by internet marketers and SEOs. The features we talked about are below.

Facebook Search

According to Bosworth, Facebook operates the largest people search engine on the internet. It is run by ten engineers (two of whom work solely on people search) and directs traffic for millions of people a day.

People Search’s secret sauce is its ability to employ the searcher’s social graph to find the most relevant Pages (business profiles) and people to a given user. Once the people search engine narrows down the users list of Facebook friends and Pages, it returns five related results in an alphabetically ordered drop down menu. This built in search engine is heavily used and currently underutilized by SEOs.

Facebook Search
Facebook Search
TIP: Note the opportunity to take advantage of the inherent flaws of returning results in alphabetical order. It is not a coincidence that so many companies named themselves with alphabetical order in mind in the days when yellow pages were popular. (Ex. AAA Plumbing) The same tactic can be used to drive users to a given Facebook Page.
The search function also has a lesser known feature that has the ability to drive traffic outside of the site. When a user types in a query that doesn’t match anything in their social graph, the search bar provides the ability to search Microsoft’s Live search index.

Facebook Search The Web
Facebook's Search the Web uses Microsoft's Live Index

Performing a search of the web through Facebook returns search results and ads that are exactly the same as those returned by Microsoft’s Live.

Facebook Search
Facebook Search Engine Result Page (SERP)

Twitter Marketing #1

PandemicLabs.com Steve Jobs is speaking to the crowd at the Moscone Center in San Francisco and is announcing the next generation of Apple’s mobile operating system and its mobile phone device. The secrecy and buzz that is built around these keynote speeches have always given a boost in the traditional media to the announcements that Jobs makes that day and therefore boost sales the day that products finally reach the shelves. The online real-time following of the event takes place through blogs, Twitter and Twitter tools like Summize, generating an enormous amount of Apple-related content and opinions before, during and after the event. During a Steve Jobs’ keynote, Twitter traffic is 10 times greater than usual. Within an hour of the end of the keynote, the majority of the Twitter community is aware that on July 11th the new iPhone will be available at stores with a price of $199. This is how Apple will benefit from the Twitter/keynote combined madness and is also an example of the potential of Twitter for viral marketing efforts.

140 Characters to promote your brand

Several brands are using Twitter as part of their online marketing strategy. Moreover, they are engaging users by being in a position where they can penetrate their “circle of trust”, which in Twitter is the circle of the people they follow. Here is a list of companies (and their number of followers) that are using Twitter to inform “fans” of upcoming products, events, promotions, announcements, etc. In the case of Amazon, their Twitter profile works as a Book Finder; if you send them a message with a book title or ISBN, they answer back with the book’s price.
The mechanics of influence

The Twitter community is made up of highly engaged, pro-technology early adopters that look to enrich their Twitter activity by following important, interesting and influential members, as well as friends, relatives and colleagues. Being an “influencer” community, it is likely to shape the direction, preferences and opinions of others. The more followers a Twitter members has, the more influential he or she is and the more impact his thoughts, recommendations, complaints, reviews and comments will have. Like any other online tool that has reached a critical mass, there has to be an overall strategy in place in order to include it in a social media marketing campaign.

The Twitter pulse

Twtter LogoThe instant and constant nature of Twitter posts, and their ability to be generated from everywhere (thanks to Twitter integration with mobile phone devices via texting) opens the door for a parallel universe of user-generated content. Tools like Summize or Twist let the user search for a specific word in the “public timeline” and Twist also allows the search for trends of a specific search term against another. Twitter can be an excellent tool to see what is being said in real-time about your brand and manage your online reputation. Moreover, it let’s you socialize the way you manage your digital footprint. It is important to know that the Twitter pulse is representative of a certain segment of consumers and that this segment is highly influential and highly opinionated.

by Bernardo Sosa, Pandemic Labs team


'Doomsday' 2012, Natural Solar Activity

Head of Institute of Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan) Adi Sadewo Salatun mention, in science, such phenomena are said to be a scientific end.

One is the end of each reliji people who believed in accordance with their respective beliefs. The second is the scientific end, "said Adi when found in his office, Monday (9/11/2009).

"Simply put, the astronomers described it as a gravitational force of the sun activity is very strong and once every 11 years his behavior improved.  As the gravitational attraction is so strong and unbearable, it will cause the explosion of hydrogen, "said Adi.

Simply put, Adi said that when subjected to maximum activity, solar radiation can affect the Earth. When gravity is weaker, the sun will expand and the Earth can go into the fire.

The impact caused a major impact on the Earth. For example, when the last time it happens, this phenomenon causes the satellite's orbit shifts. When the satellite palapa changed its location. Even with the satellites of other countries. This obviously affects the public communications on Earth.

In extreme cases this is enough to disrupt the transmission of electricity on Earth that causes relay station exploded and died PLN electricity.

"The task is Lapan told this to telecom operators, PLN and other communities near the occurrence of this phenomenon," said Adi.

However, according to Adi, as far as Lapan until now seen only natural sun activities, no symptoms to fear.
"When the sun will do the maximum activity, from now on can be detected how the behavior," he said.

Six Strategic Principles for Managers

1) Capture Your Market Without Destroying It

“Generally in war, the best policy is to take a state intact; to ruin it is inferior to this....For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.”
--Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu calls this the need to “win-all-without-fighting”. Since the goal of your business is to survive and prosper, you must capture your market. However, you must do so in such a way that your market is not destroyed in the process. A company can do this in several ways, such as attacking parts of the market that are under-served or by using subtle, indirect, and low-key approach that will not draw a competitor's attention or response. What should be avoided at all costs is a price-war. Research has shown that price attacks draw the quickest and most aggressive responses from competitors, as well as leaving the market drained of profits.
2) Avoid your competitor's strength, and attack their weakness
“An army may be likened to water, for just as flowing water avoids the heights and hastens to the lowlands, so an army avoids strength and strikes weakness.”
--Sun Tzu
The Western approach to warfare has spilled over into business competition, leading many companies to launch head-on, direct attacks against their competitor's strongest point. This approach to business strategy leads to battles of attrition, which end up being very costly for everyone involved. Instead, you should focus on the competition's weakness, which maximizes your gains while minimizing the use of resources. This, by definition, increases profits.
3) Use foreknowledge & deception to maximize the power of business intelligence.
“Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril”
--Sun Tzu
To find and exploit your competitor's weakness requires a deep understanding of their executives' strategy, capabilities, thoughts and desires, as well as similar depth of knowledge of your own strengths and weaknesses. It is also important to understand the overall competitive and industry trends occurring around you in order to have a feel for the “terrain” on which you will do battle. Conversely, to keep your competitor from utilizing this strategy against you, it is critical to mask your plans and keep them secret.
4) Use speed and preparation to swiftly overcome the competition.
“To rely on rustics and not prepare is the greatest of crimes; to be prepared beforehand for any contingency is the greatest of virtues.”
--Sun Tzu
To fully exploit foreknowledge and deception, Sun Tzu states that you must be able to act with blinding speed. To move with speed does not mean that you do things hastily. In reality, speed requires much preparation. Reducing the time it takes your company to make decisions, develop products and service customers is critical. To think through and understand potential competitive reactions to your attacks is essential as well.
5) Use alliances and strategic control points in the industry to “shape” your opponents and make them conform to your will.
“Therefore, those skilled in war bring the enemy to the field of battle and are not brought there by him.”
--Sun Tzu
“Shaping you competition” means changing the rules of contest and making the competition conform to your desires and your actions. It means taking control of the situation away from your competitor and putting it in your own hands. One way of doing so is through the skillful use of alliances. By building a strong web of alliances, the moves of your competitors can be limited. Also, by controlling key strategic points in your industry, you will be able to call the tune to which your competitors dance.
6) Develop your character as a leader to maximize the potential of your employees.
“When one treats people with benevolence, justice and righteousness, and reposes confidence in them, the army will be united in mind and all will be happy to serve their leaders.”
--Sun Tzu
It takes a special kind of leader to implement these strategic concepts and maximize the tremendous potential of employees. Sun Tzu describes the many traits of the preferred type of leader. The leader should be wise, sincere, humane, courageous, and strict. Leaders must also always be “first in the toils and fatigues of the army”, putting their needs behind those of their troops. It is leaders with character that get the most out of their employees.
These principles have been utilized throughout time in both the military arena and the business world to build creative strategies and achieve lasting success. If you use them properly, they will bring you success as well.

Based on Mark McNeilly’s book Sun Tzu and the Art of Business

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