Since the 1980s, Toyota and Lexus vehicles have been recognized for their quality and are consistently ranked higher than other car makers in owner satisfaction surveys, due in large part (according to Jeffrey Liker, a University of Michigan professor of industrial engineering) to the business philosophy that underlies its system of production.
The 14 Principles
The Toyota Way has been called "a system designed to provide the tools for people to continually improve their work"[1] The 14 principles of The Toyota Way are organized in four sections: I) Long-Term Philosophy, II) The Right Process Will Produce the Right Results, III) Add Value to the Organization by Developing Your People, and IV) Continuously Solving Root Problems Drives Organizational Learning. The principles are set out and briefly described below:[edit] Section I — Long-Term Philosophy
Principle 1- Base your management decisions on a long-term philosophy, even at the expense of short-term financial goals.
[edit] Section II — The Right Process Will Produce the Right Results
Principle 2- Create a continuous process flow to bring problems to the surface.
- Overproduction
- Waiting (time on hand)
- Unnecessary transport or conveyance
- Overprocessing or incorrect processing
- Excess inventory
- Motion
- Defects
Principle 3
- Use "pull" systems to avoid overproduction.
Principle 4
- Level out the workload (heijunka). (Work like the tortoise, not the hare).
Principle 5
- Build a culture of stopping to fix problems, to get quality right the first time.
Principle 6
- Standardized tasks and processes are the foundation for continuous improvement and employee empowerment.
Principle 7
- Use visual control so no problems are hidden.
- Sort: Sort out unneeded items
- Straighten: Have a place for everything
- Shine: Keep the area clean
- Standardize: Create rules and standard operating procedures
- Sustain: Maintain the system and continue to improve it
Principle 8
- Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology that serves your people and processes.
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